Greetings from the Milstein dining room. This is where I spend most of my time now. It is our effective Command Central. Like many of us, I am now working from home, and my child is learning remotely. I, personally, have not left the house since Saturday. I may try to get outside for a little physical activity today, in spite of the rain.

How is everybody feeling? My feelings are all over the place. They range from calm to highly anxious. I am trying to focus on the fact that it has been years since the three of us have sat down together for 3 meals a day for days/weeks/months at a time. I have been cooking a lot. It is a huge help to not be spending my usual 3 hours per day behind the wheel.
It has been tough to settle into a routine that works. I am one of the fortunate parents. My son attends a school that already had a remote platform. The already had several students who dial in to learn in real time in the classroom. Monday morning, at 0800 sharp, his teachers were ready to follow the normal academic schedule. Even so, it has been a huge adjustment. It is difficult for a young middle schooler to remain focused for such a long day looking at the screen, and the Ring Central software had a bit of a learning curve. My first 3 days were a lot more hands on than expected, and there was not a lot of time to focus on my own work. I am learning to forgive myself for that.

It is now day 4, and I have been able to take a step back. I was able to do some work this morning, and I may even have time to sit down and knit today. I am working on the sample for my latest design, a fair isle hat to promote 2e awareness.

The Classic Ringer Tee is out for testing. Release will be delayed because I had to postpone the photo shoot, but now there is lots of time for testing. Shoot me an email if you are interested. Be safe out there. Stay home. #washyourhands.